Apologies if what i've written doesen't make sense. Occasionally i'll get Simon to review before i post but most of the time you'll get my dyslexic spelling and grammar. So just swap a few letters around here and there and it should make sense
I caught the Triathlon bug after meeting my current man, Simon Underwood. After buying my first bike, i did my first triathlon in September 2005. The Viturvian middle distance Triathlon. Cold and raining the entire day! But I was hooked!
In 2006 I did a few middle and long course races but only really started taking training very seriously in 2007 when started working with my coach. In Novemeber 2007 I raced Ironman Florida, finishing in 10:35:39 and qualifing for the Ironman World Championships in 2008.
My blog is a way for me to say thanks for all the support given to me by my sponsors - and to enable me to share my training and racing experiences.