Saturday, 23 August 2008

Busy week! watching the olympics!

Finally get around to adding a post this week. Been a busy week with work, training and Olympics highlights watching. It's now Saturday morning, just got in from an easy ride in the morning sun. Sitting here eating one of my many favourite breakfasts! Slice Banana and peanut butter on toast with freshly made coffee. Comes very close to bacon and banana on french toast with maple syrup - A Kiwi special!

Anyway since last post. Simon rode the National 12 Hour Time Trial. I was the support crew! It rained for the first 3 hours, but he was riding well and later the sun came out. New 100 mile PB and Ironman bike split (112 mile)PB on the way to clocking approximately 245miles in total. I think he enjoyed it. He couldn't quite face riding his bike till Thursday! I had fun. Dancing in my wellies on the side of the road! My present for supporting (and shouting allez allez allez!)all day a new fancy pants saddle!
My weeks been pretty uneventful - training, working, training, eating, watching Olympics on BBC iplayer (don't have a TV -Probably a good thing, or I'd be a couch potato). Repeat for 5 days.

Taper for long course has started - only 8 days till race day. I was feeling well till I had a little accident on my last long run. Nice evening, decided to do one of my favourite off road runs. Glare from low sun in between trees, blinded me - missed a tree root up ahead. trip. Face planted and rolled. My right and and elbow took the most of the impact. Had a little cry, gave myself a good talking too, picked myself up and finished my run. Thank goodness for the gel in my hip holster pocket - with burst (very sticky and messy) but saved my greater trochanter from some nasty soreness. Little chunks of skin are missing from my hands, thumb is very bruised and sore, elbow a bit tender on tri bars, shoulder and knee and grazed. No more off road running for me till after goal races.
Looking forward to the bank holiday weekend - racing 25 mile TT on Sunday (borrow disc and have no power tap data vs Hed singer 60's and data)and marshaling (my first) at Ringmer Triathlon on Monday.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Weekend Fun!

So thought it was about time I wrote up my race report from the weekend. Been pre-occupied this week with Olympic highlights viewing courtesy of BBC Sport website - There's been some great swimming to watch. Lucky we don't own a TV otherwise I'd become a couch potato.

So Worthing Triathlon. Well due to our lovely! British weather the race became Worthing Duathlon. The wind stirring the water up into waves great for surfing, not swimming. Having not raced very many short races, I was really nervous. My fingers and nail beds are still sore, 5 days on from excessive biting. I ran with the front women on the first 5km run, and entered T1 with a small group of women, just under 1 min back on the first women and 30 sec behind second. Managed to pull my bike shoe off my pedal when attempting to put my foot into it. Had to stop, get off, rectify and get back on. A challenging rolling bike course separated the field more. Wasn't please with bike leg - I had jelly legs - from 2 weeks for run focused training and not tapering for race. I came into T2 almost at the same time as the 3/4/5th place women. 1st and 2nd place were already 1 minute up the road. I started the run in 5th place, 30 seconds back on 3rd and 4th. We caught the 2nd place girl within 2km, moving up one place each. I maintained the gap until 7km in, when I started closing. We ran together for 2km. juggling 2/3/4th place. 4th place dropped off the back. It was quite exciting, racing for placing. Pushing one another along, working out when to break away - all a bit serious! In the last km 2nd place women , pushed the pace up and bridge a gap. I had nothing fast moving left in my legs. I finished in 3rd, 12 seconds behind.

Simon was there at the finish, having endured the head wind to ride over from Eastbourne. Reward for racing was Sunday lunch with Simon's Family to celebrate his Mum's forthcoming birthday. Photo below of Nephew doing crazy jumping - Maybe trying to budge the 1p he'd swallowed the day before!

Photo looking oh so cute, but very tired - holding the Captain Scarlet card we made him for his birthday - He's particularly fond of Destiny. Also his crazy brother - who can now proudly dive into the water! Simon planning for his 12 hour Time Trial this weekend. I'm already mentally rehearsing the bottle change overs!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Apparently he's is 10 years my senior!

But you wouldn't know it from the dinner he made!
Chicken and Butter bean salad - complete with carrot top hair and cucumber eyes.
An insight into the "oh so helpful Simon" from the Tri Stores real character.